Who doesn't like Music

"Music has no limit just like our universe."

Let us dive together and explore the wonderful universe of music.

Why do I said, music has no limit. Well, the answer lies in the theory of music itself. Let us briefly talk about music theory for string instruments i.e. Piano, Guitar etc.

Music Theory

You might have heard some person talking about music jenre, melody, notes, scale, cords so on and so forth. Music theory is quite interesting and using this you can form your own music.

Let us talk about music scales first.


There are many scales in music i.e. Chromatic Scale, Pentatonic Scale, Major and Minor Scales.

Let us Define 7 alphabets for music notes to form a music scale :

A  B  C  D  E  F  G

Note that A, C, D, F and G have sharp note (#).

We can arrange these music notes in different combination in order to form music scales. But there are already some defined scales which we can learn.  
  • Chromatic Scale

Chromatic scale has 12 notes.

A  A#  B  C  C#  D  D#  E  F  F#  G  G#  A(repeated)

for instance, if we talk about guitar, chromatic scale for E string will be following:

E  F  F#  G  G#  A  A#  B  C  C#  D  D#  E(repeated)

This is like a chain, isn't it.

(The symbol "#" is called sharp note and remember that B and E don't have sharp notes or we can say C and F don't have flat note. Both are same thing.)

  • Major Scale
Major scale has 7 notes. Special thing about this scale is that whenever you hear it, it gives a happy feeling.

Before defining this scale, we first talk about tone (T) and semi-tone (S). Tone means jumping one note (step) in chromatic scale. While Semi-tone means jumping half step in chromatic scale.

We can form any major scale using the following definition:

T  T  S  T  T  T  S  

Where T represent Tone and S represent Semi-tone.

for instance, Major scale of C note (C-major scale) will be following (using above definition):

C (T) D (T) E (S) F (T) G (T)  A (T)  B (S) C

C - major scale is also known as perfect scale as it donen't have any sharp note. Do you know this scale is nothing but following:

Sa  Re  Ga  Ma  Pa  Dha  Ni  Sa
C    D    E    F     G     A    B    C(repeated, but different pitch)

( Just sing aloud C-major scale or play it, you will feel happiness. Isn't that amazing! )

  • Minor Scale
Minor scale also has 7 notes. Special thing about this scale is that whenever you hear it, it gives a sad feeling! (Sometimes sadness is essential, do watch "inside out".)

We can form any minor scale using the following definition:

T  S  T  T  S  T  T 

Where T represent Tone and S represent Semi-tone.

For instance, by using the definition mentioned above the minor scale of E note (E-minor scale) will be following :

(T) F# (S) G (T) A (T) B (S) C (T) D (T) E(repeated, but with different pitch)

E-minor scale: E  F#  G  A  B  C  D  E

Now you can make major and minor scale for any note using their definitions.

Hope you enjoyed learning something about music-theory.
We'll talk about cords later.


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