GRE General Test (this page is under construction) Purpose: Admissions to master's and doctoral degree programs in various universities. Skills tested: V erbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning and a nalytical writing. Exam helds: multiple times in a year Exam fee: 213 US dollar ( Revised fees ) Score Validity: 5 years Duration of Exam: 3 hours and 45 minutes (1 min break after each section and 10 min break after 3rd section) Content Specifications Verbal Reasoning — Measures the ability to analyze and draw conclusions from discourse, reason from incomplete data, understand multiple levels of meaning, such as literal, figurative and author's intent, summarize text, distinguish major from minor points, understand the meaning of words, sentences and entire texts, and understand relationships among words and among concepts. There is an emphasis on complex verbal reasoning skills. Quantitative Reasoning — Measures the ability to understand...