Making self-defending robot with demonstration video
Understanding automated systems with the help of Arduino platform ( If you are not aware what Arduino actually is, just go to this website: Know about Arduino ) Stuffs you will need: 1. Arduino Uno Board. 2. Arduino IDE installed. (Refer this link: Download Arduino IDE ) 3. Servo motor 4. HC-SR04 ( Ultrasonic sensor ) and other necessary stuffs i.e. jumper wires, breadboard etc. Concept: We are using HC-SR04 ( Ultrasonic sensor ) in order to interact with real world. Ultrasonic-sensor is being used here in order to measure distance. This distance is later used as input for servo motor, by giving necessary commands we can rotate the servo moter to generate a specific motion. That is how one can control different parts of an automated system as a function of surrounding conditions. Let us understand the whole mechanism in following steps: 1. Emitter of HC-SR04 emits Ultrasound in the air (surrounding of robot). ...